
Tardiness - Your child's safety is our priority.

Therefore, students, other than bus students, should not arrive at school or come on school grounds no later than 8:25 a.m. Classes begin at 8:45 a.m. All students who are not in their classroom by the official beginning of school (8:45 a.m.) are considered tardy. Students who arrive late are to report to the office before going to their classrooms and get a tardy pass to give to their teacher.

Release of Students During the Day -
When a student is to be picked up during school hours, a note signed by the parent should be presented to the office on the morning of the day the student is to leave early, except for emergencies. Students will not be allowed to leave school unless parent comes to the school and checks out the student through the school office. The parent may be asked by the office staff to show photo identification when signing students out of school.
  1. Parents are requested NOT to call the office to change a student's normal departure.  routine except in an emergency. Parents are encouraged to make after-school pickup, care, and play plans clear to students before school in the morning. Only in extreme emergencies will the instructional day be interrupted for a student or teacher to answer a phone call. Teachers will return phone calls during planning periods or before or after the school day. Permission to go home with another student will require notes from both parents. The notes should be brought to the office on the day permission is requested. Students are not permitted to ride the bus with another student unless it is the bus they normally ride or the bus designated to go to the Boys & Girls Club or Girls, Inc. Parents are to send a signed note to teacher on the day they are to ride these special buses.
  2. In order to reduce congestion in the front office, no students will be checked out before 3:15 p.m. Teachers, staff and the office staff are busy dismissing early bus students and car riders. A parent must give advance written notice to the school requesting a child be released to someone other than the designated person(s). E-mail (robinsonj@scsc.k12.in.us) or fax (522-7095) will be accepted. An e-mail or fax may not get to the teacher if it is sent after 2:00 p.m.
Dismissal - Please remember the following guidelines:

  1. A written note with clearly stated directions should be given to child's teacher. A teacher has to be notified of any change in transportation before 2:00 p.m. on the day of the change.
  2. Teachers cannot accept any verbal statements about where the child is to be going.
  3. If you are taking your child out early or call in an absence and are requesting work, please give the teacher adequate notice to prepare materials. Requested homework will be sent to the office by 3:00 p.m.

Parent Pickup/Drop Off - We would appreciate your cooperation by dropping off your children in the parking lot designated for Car Riders. According to law enforcement, handicapped spaces and ramps should never be blocked. Please do not park and leave your car unattended in front of the school entrance. This makes it hard for parents to get around the car and there is a handicapped ramp that parents and staff need to use. Do not park or block buses. The bus parking lot is designated especially for bus drop off and pick up. Bus drivers cannot see children running across the parking lot.

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